Starting A Business in Dubai? Let Legal Firms Help You Get Started

2 min read


New business set up in Dubai can be an exciting and rewarding experience for entrepreneurs. With its strategic location, dynamic economy, and favorable business environment, Dubai is known for attracting businesses worldwide. However, navigating the legal requirements and regulations of starting a business in Dubai can take time and effort. That’s where legal firms come in – they can help entrepreneurs get started by providing guidance and support.

Choose the right legal form:

The first step in starting a business in Dubai is to choose the right legal form. Depending on the nature of the business, the legal form can be a sole proprietorship, a partnership, or a limited liability company (LLC). An LLC is the most popular legal form for foreign entrepreneurs as it offers limited liability protection and allows for 100% foreign ownership.

Obtain the necessary licenses and permits:

Once the legal form is chosen, obtaining the necessary licenses and permits is next. The type of license required depends on the nature of the business, and there are several regulatory bodies in Dubai responsible for issuing licenses and permits. Legal firms can assist entrepreneurs in identifying the relevant regulatory bodies and obtaining the necessary licenses and permits.

Secure funding and bank accounts:

Securing funding and opening bank accounts is another important aspect of starting a business in Dubai. Legal firms can assist entrepreneurs in preparing business plans, financial projections, and other documents banks and investors require. They can also advise on the best banking options for the business.

Understand tax regulations:

Dubai has a tax-free environment, but businesses are still subject to certain taxes such as corporate tax, value-added tax (VAT), and customs duties. Legal firms can help entrepreneurs understand tax regulations and ensure compliance with the relevant authorities.

Draft legal agreements and contracts:

Drafting legal agreements and contracts is essential for any business. Legal firms can help entrepreneurs prepare and review lease agreements, employment contracts, and supplier contracts. They can also advise on intellectual property rights and assist with registering trademarks and patents.

Starting a business in Dubai can be a challenging but rewarding experience for entrepreneurs. Legal firms can help entrepreneurs navigate the legal requirements and regulations of starting a business in Dubai. They can provide guidance and support throughout the process, from choosing the right legal form to obtaining the necessary licenses and permits, securing funding and bank accounts, understanding tax regulations, and drafting legal agreements and contracts.